Psychological Safety in the Workplace – Virtual

How can psychological safety be achieved: 60 minute taster session - Virtual


30 People


Darren Cheek

Price (excl.VAT):




Psychological safety describes an environment where people feel able to express themselves without fear that others will think less of them. In the workplace, that translates to employees feeling comfortable speaking up - whether they're sharing ideas, asking questions, expressing concerns or acknowledging mistakes. Psychological safety is also the belief that you won't be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes – a shared belief held by members of a team that others on the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish them for doing so.

  • corporate wellbeing
  • psychological safety
  • workplace wellbeing


In this fast-paced, hour-long and light-touch taster session, psychotherapist / trainer / facilitator Darren Cheek will explore and plant the seeds of how psychological safety can be achieved.

We will explore the key themes and contributors to creating safe work spaces, which in turn will encourage an increasing ease with:

Raising difficult issues or concerns

Nurture the ability to admit errors or mistakes

Grow confidence in order to offer different opinions

And even encourage happy and comfortable disagreement.

Darren Cheek

Darren Cheek


Darren has been working as an individual, relationship, family and group psychotherapist since 2006 – as well as being an extremely experienced trainer, role-player, presenter and facilitator in both public and corporate, national and international settings, including NHS Trusts, Cancer Research, BBC Academy and the National Bank of Pakistan.

Darren is also an actor, director, writer, teacher, dramaturg and Artistic Director of Damn Cheek Productions. A fluent British Sign Language user, he's currently developing Damn Cheek’s newest creations which include an extensive site-specific community theatre project in the North East of England, plus a theatre piece focused on disordered eating, and an outdoor site-specific piece exploring individual and collective grief. Darren is also continuing to develop the monthly Zoom performances which Damn Cheek which began in 2020 during lockdown which aim to stretch the boundaries of Zoom for online audiences.

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Frequently asked questions

Bookings can only be made via allocated and registered contacts who can log in to their profile.

All names are anonymised and confidential. The diagnostic will only show the overall outcomes relating to anxiety, stress, energy, sense of wellbeing & productivity.

Of course, we work closely with all of our clients to find the right practitioner and programme to suit your needs.

Not yet, that’s something we’re working on behind the scenes.

We go through an extremely thorough vetting process with all of our practitioners, so you can rest assured that they will be of the highest standard for your organisation. However, as we first start to work with clients we can organise a 10min introduction with our practitioners.

We can do this, please get in touch to find out more.

Please see our T&C’s for rescheduling and cancellation policies.

Our onsite programmes are predominantly London & SE based, please get in touch if your company / event is outside of those areas. All on site programmes are subject to travel costs.

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