Emotional Intelligence: Building the key components of EI in the real world, to have a positive impact on your team and organisation.
99 People
Tom Cleary
Price (excl.VAT):
In this introduction to Emotional Intelligence, we will learn what this phrase really means and how it can have such a powerful impact on our lives, both personally and professionally.
We’ll learn how to build the key components of Emotional Intelligence in the real world, to have a positive impact on your team and organisation.
Having initially studied this topic academically, I have spent my career applying it practically within roles of manager, leader, therapist, coach and mentor. I have seen the impact it has had on both myself, and those I work with, and I’m passionate about helping others learn the skills that lead to increased Emotional Intelligence.
Additional courses are available to build and strengthen the key aspects of Emotional Intelligence
• What is Emotional Intelligence
• Exploring the benefits: Why is it so important to work on this
• How to recognise and deal with an “Amygdala hijack”
• Practical steps to build our Emotional Intelligence
• Additional resources
Tom Cleary
With a background in business, education and leadership, Tom is passionate about helping raise awareness within the topics of mental health, wellbeing and personal development. He combines lived experience of mental health and wellbeing challenges with professional knowledge and outstanding teaching and training skills, resulting in the delivery of empowering sessions and workshops which consistently receive very positive feedback.
As a lifelong learner and educator, he works with individuals, organisations and businesses to increase awareness of positive psychology topics and mental health, working to embed both individual and team skills that help safeguard people’s wellbeing, prevent future problems and enable them to thrive.